Ori Goore


What I hear and saw is a complete distortion of the facts:
Comparing Israel to Russia?
 On 7 October Israel was attacked by Hamas
On the 8th October Israel was attacked by hizbolla
Both are terror organisations financed by Iran the biggest generator of terror in the world
Hamas and hizbolla alike are basically terror organisations that acts like mafia and basically hijacked the people: Palestinians and Lebanese
Israel is fighting against vicious terror forces that are threatening the safety of the whole world and it’s a shame the whole world is not taking part in this effort
Israel is not interested in expanding its borders surely – just want to ensure its citizens return home and their safety against terror attacks by hizbolla hopefully by an international agreement
Iran and its proxies are attacking Israel and then they also want to define the level of response… doesn’t work like that
It’s a shame you don’t draw a distinction between innocent civilians and the terrorist organisation that took control over them in Gaza and Lebanon
Not supporting Israel fight against all those terror organizations and criticising Israel for their efforts to fight all those terror organisations is virtually supporting those organisations who are responsible for all the chaos and deaths that is happening
Maybe you should reevaluate the current reality for your next interview
Shana Tova
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