The Palestine Laboratory podcast scores nomination in top documentary awards

The Palestine Laboratory podcast scores nomination in top documentary awards

The Palestine Laboratory podcast series was a 1+ year global investigation with a remarkable team, published in late 2024 by US outlet Drop Site News.   We’ve excited to announce that we’re a nominee in one of Australia’s leading documentary awards, the Australian International Documentary Conference (AIDC), under “Best Audio Documentary”: The Palestine Laboratory Podcast…

Austrian public radio on The Palestine Laboratory

Austrian public radio on The Palestine Laboratory

Since my book, The Palestine Laboratory, was released last year I’ve rarely been interviewed by journalists from Germany and Austria due to those country’s absurdly narrow understanding of Israel/Palestine. It was therefore pleasing to be interviewed by the leading Austrian public radio station, ORF, about my book and Israel’s deadly use of quadcopters in Gaza.

“The bomb thrower”

“The bomb thrower”

Archive Fever is a podcast led by two great Australian historians, Clare Wright and Yves Rees. I’m interviewed on the latest episode talking about my work and life, my book, The Palestine Laboratory, and the desperate need for more journalists to be “bomb throwers”: