Articles in Truthout

US outlet Truthout Q&A on disaster capitalism in a Trump world

US outlet Truthout has picked my book, Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe, as an important title. Here’s my Q&A: The following is a Truthout interview with Antony Loewenstein, the author of… Disaster Capitalism:… Making a Killing Out of Catastrophe. Mark Karlin: Naomi Klein praises your book effusively. How were you galvanized by her book,… The… Shock… Doctrine:…

How Donald Trump threatens Obama's baby steps towards the "war on drugs"

My article in US magazine Truthout: President Barack Obama’s drug war legacy is paved with partially good intentions. It differed greatly between his domestic agenda and around the world. The former showed signs of bravery, challenging decades of draconian and counterproductive policy toward drug users and dealers,… reducing… the number of incarcerated men and women across the…

How Washington created disaster in Honduras

My investigation in US magazine Truthout (and my photos from Honduras are here): Members of Indigenous group COPINH protesting in the Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa, July 2016. (Photo: Antony Loewenstein) Armed men wearing ski masks suddenly appeared in the distance. On a dirt road in northern Honduras, between the city of Tocoa and the small village…

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