The Palestine Laboratory audiobook now out

The audiobook of my global best-selling book, The Palestine Laboratory, is now out. Published by the world’s biggest audio book producer, W.F. Howes, and read by UK actor Fergus Robertson, I’m glad that this will allow my book to be consumed by even more people. Find it on multiple platforms from Audible to Kobo. Here’s…

The Palestine Laboratory audiobook now out
Talking to The Washington Post about the US/Australia client state relationship

Talking to The Washington Post about the US/Australia client state relationship

After the release of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, I was interviewed by The Washington Post about the toxic, client state relationship that usually exists between Australia and the US: That was affecting sentiment about Assange, said Antony Loewenstein, an Australian journalist who has known Assange since WikiLeaks was founded and has campaigned for his release.…

Al Jazeera Arabic interview on the Palestine lab

Al Jazeera Arabic interview on the Palestine lab

My book, The Palestine Laboratory, is now out in an Arabic edition, available across multiple countries. Here’s my interview with Al Jazeera Arabic about the book and the carnage in Gaza: مؤلف مختبر فلسطين.. أنتوني لونشتاين: إسرائيل دولة فصل عنصري | ثقافة | الجزيرة نت

Sky News interview on the release of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

My interview on Sky News Australia about the remarkable news of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange being released from Belmarsh prison in London. I’ve been a Wikileaks supporter and friend since its inception in 2006. It has released more important documents about the state of global power than any other media outlet in my lifetime.

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