Our convenient Middle East client state

Israel: US Foreign Assistance, Congressional Research Service, April 26, 2005: “Israel is not economically self-sufficient, and relies on foreign assistance and borrowing to maintain its economy. Since 1985, the United States has provided $3 billion in grants annually to Israel. Since 1976, Israel has been the largest annual recipient of US foreign assistance, and is…

Moral equivalence

Noam Chomsky interviewed in February 2002: QUESTION: But you seem to see this moral equivalence…CHOMSKY: There’s no moral equivalence.QUESTION: …between bin Laden and Bush, don’t you?CHOMSKY: Moral equivalence is a term of propaganda that was invented to try to prevent us from looking at the acts for which we are responsible.QUESTION: You say there are…

Up in smoke

A revelation likely to be buried/denied by the usual “they’re liberated” crowd and the mainstream media: “US soldiers in Afghanistan burnt the bodies of dead Taliban and taunted their opponents about the corpses, in an act deeply offensive to Muslims and in breach of the Geneva conventions. “An investigation by SBS’s Dateline program, to be…

We don’t want them

Islamophobe Daniel Pipes warns of a “looming immigration problem” in Europe. He outlines tactics employed by “illegals” to enter the continent but fails to wonder why they want to come in the first place. “…It is probably only a matter of time until other Western states follow Spain and Australia and resort to military force”,…

Putin and failing democracy

The Washington Post’s Masha Lipman tackles Putin’s Russia: “Putin seized on the Beslan tragedy as an excuse to launch a political crackdown and to further curb democratic practices. The information about the situation in the north Caucasus, as well as anti-terrorist operations, became even more tightly filtered by state-controlled TV networks. The investigation of Beslan,…

Checking in

While Iraqi Riverbend discusses the constitutional elections, veteran Middle East reporter David Hirst injects some reality into the region: “Arabs have long warned of the “Lebanonisation” of Iraq, automatically mindful of the fact that virtually every western-created state in the eastern Arab world contains the latent ethnic or sectarian tensions that produced that archetype of…

Asylum seekers welcome

I’m astounded refugee friendly John Howard didn’t think of this idea: “The dictator of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, is making a cynical offer to refugee asylum seekers. You can stay here, but only if you live in the No Man’s Land created by the Chernobyl disaster.”

Don’t hold your breath

Haaretz, October 17: “Afghan President Hamid Karzai would recognize Israel’s government if an independent Palestinian state was first established, Karzai’s spokesman said yesterday. “‘We will establish relations with Israel after our Palestinian brothers have an independent and free state,’ Karim Rahimi quoted the president as saying.” Afghanistan will be waiting a very long time for…

News bytes

– Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining refigured. – American magazine Mother Jones investigates Boeing and wonders whether its planes are unsafe. – The pro-Zionist lobby works its magic at the Sydney Morning Herald. – Noam Chomsky is the world’s greatest intellectual. Sounds about right. – Scotland’s Sunday Herald issues a scorching editorial: “If and when the…

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