The pump feels it

Robert Fisk, The Independent, July 20: How soon must we use the words “war crime”? How many children must be scattered in the rubble of Israeli air attacks before we reject the obscene phrase “collateral damage” and start talking about prosecution for crimes against humanity? The child whose dead body lies like a rag doll…

Israel (can never) win this war of ideas

The following editorial appears in today’s Australian newspaper: Advocates for the Jewish state must use reason, not emotion…  The latest battles in the 60-year struggle in the Middle East seem to be going well for Israel. But the Israelis are also fighting on another front, one where victory is essential to their state’s survival –…

Colonialism revealed

Tariq Ali, The Guardian, July 20: In his last interview – after the 1967 six-day war – the historian Isaac Deutscher, whose next-of-kin had died in the Nazi camps and whose surviving relations lived in Israel, said: “To justify or condone Israel’s wars against the Arabs is to render Israel a very bad service indeed…

Debate opens

Last night on ABC Lateline, there was a feature story about the role of the Zionist lobby in shaping US foreign policy, and a discussion of my forthcoming book, My Israel Question (read the transcript here.) I then debated AIJAC’s Ted Lapkin (read the transcript here.) It was an interesting experience. There are few opportunities…

My Israel Question

My book, My Israel Question, is launched on August 1. A website has been built and will feature all relevant media appearances, reviews and other info. Check it out.

Word from the wise

Angry Arab outlines what is at stake in the current Middle East crisis: A Note of Caution. It is very important that we don’t turn this conflict into an Arab-Jewish conflict, which it is not, and it has never been, and it should never be. I say this not only due to my stiff opposition…

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