Under-resourced journos = under-sourced journalism

My following article appears in today’s Crikey newsletter: At a time when increased media concentration will only bring less independent and fearless journalism, the Australian Press Council’s recently released report, State of the News Print Media in Australia, makes for sobering reading. It has received virtually no media coverage. Some of the report states the…

The reality is much worse

Iraq’s finest blogger, Riverbend, is back after a long absence: This has been the longest time I have been away from blogging. There were several reasons for my disappearance the major one being the fact that every time I felt the urge to write about Iraq, about the situation, I’d be filled with a certain…

Anna Politkovskaya’s legacy

My following article appears in today’s Crikey newsletter: The recent murder of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya… has triggered, albeit briefly, an unprecedented interest in life under Vladimir Putin. The Sydney Morning Herald has provided particularly decent coverage of Politkovskaya’s death, but perhaps unsurprisingly failed to continue interest beyond the requisite few days. There is much of…

Anti-Semitic Rice

When radical Zionists are unhappy with the madly pro-Zionist Bush administration, it’s time to take notice: The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice’s keynote speech last week to the American Task Force on Palestine as the most pro-Palestinian Arab, anti-Israel speech in memory by a major US Administration…

Up in flames

In the age of privatisation, the source of university research is vital. But the tobacco industry? It’s an indisputable fact that tobacco is harmful. But is that grounds for the UC regents to ban tobacco industry support for research? That’s the question before the Board of Regents — and advocates on both sides of the…

Regulating for lies

The sign of things to come in Australia? The body charged with regulating the advertising industry [in Britain] has warned it will not tolerate companies making grandiose claims about their green credentials, unless they have the science to back them up. The Advertising Standards Authority yesterday ordered Scottish & Southern Energy to stop using “A…

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