Latin America turns

The Western media characterises Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez as a dictator (principally because he doesn’t subscribe to a Washington-centric worldview.) It seems his people are pretty happy: Venezuelans view their democracy more favorably than the citizens of all other Latin American countries view their own democracies, except Uruguay, according to a new survey released by…

Abusing the Holocaust

Dror Etkes, Haaretz, December 22: The curtain has dropped on the Theater of the Absurd directed by the Iranian regime last week – an event that convened figures from the margins of the Holocaust-denial scene and its “alternative” researchers. In Israel the conference was covered with an emphasis on the statements by the participants and…

Australia will bring victory to Iraq

Iraq, the reality: Despite promises from Iraqi and U.S. leaders that 2006 would bring improvement, Iraqis have suffered through the worst year in living memory, facing violence, fragmentation and a disintegrated economy. A year back Iraqis were promised that 2006 would be the fresh beginning of a, prosperous, democratic and unified Iraq. Through an elected…

Ditch the jackboots

The Guardian uncovers the racist British National Party’s strategy to increase its popularity: The British National party believes its efforts to sanitise its public image have brought it to the brink of an electoral breakthrough, according to unpublished documents and tapes uncovered by the Guardian. The clean-up, ordered by the leader, Nick Griffin, to rid…

Nut-job central

Former KKK leader David Duke talks to CNN about Zionism, Israel and Iran’s Holocaust conference (but his “credibility”, if you can call it that, would be massively enhanced if he actually acknowledged the severity of the Holocaust):

Carter says

When a typically ill-informed American hick accuses Jimmy Carter of anti-Semitism – have these people no other way to engage? – the former US President responds:

They serve death

Chris Hedges, The Nation, December 21: The Israel lobby in the United States does not serve Israel or the Jewish community – it serves the interests of the Israeli extreme right wing. Most Israelis have come to understand that peace will be possible only when their country complies with international law and permits Palestinians to…

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