Australia saves Jews from themselves

Get ready world, Australia is willing to solve the Israel/Palestine conflict and help the fledging Jewish state removes all its illegal settlements in the West Bank (silly me, here I was thinking that Palestine doesn’t even exist and the Palestinians are living in squalor): Australia could send troops to the Middle East as part of…

America does not control Iraq

Dahr Jamail, author of the wonderful Beyond the Green Zone – I’m currently reading this fine book about the real Iraq, away from the embedded perspective and hearing real Iraqis talking about the effects of the occupation – recently talked on Al-Jazeera English with Riz Khan:

The liberation equation

With one month until the Australian election, the issue of Iraq has been discussed only briefly in the campaign. After all, they’ve been over one million Iraqi deaths and millions of displaced refugees. There’s certainly no chance this kind of news will even enter the minds of our politicians (or the sheep-like journalists following their…

Creating a myth

Juan Cole, Democracy Now, October 23: To my knowledge, the United States has never captured any Iranian with arms. There were 136 foreign detainees, the last we knew. There are 24,000 Iraqi ones. And the 136 contain no Iranians at all. 45% of them, earlier in the summer, were Saudis. I think that proportion has…

The no-chance candidate

Dennis Kucinich, a Democratic presidential hopeful, is probably the only mainstream candidate worth considering (and he has absolutely no chance of gaining the nomination.) Too “left”, too “extreme”, too reasonable. The Beltway commentators could never allow it. And besides, he’s calling for impeachment proceedings against the Bush administration. Oh, and he’s funny, too:

The insecurity of Zionism

Even a debate is too much for Zionists to handle? The Oxford University Student Union debating society has been forced to cancel a debate on the Middle East following the withdrawal of the proposers of the motion: “This House believes that one state is the only solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.” Prof. Avi Shlaim of…

Arabs are a clear threat

The facts speak for themselves: New study finds Israeli-Arabs, who make up 20% of the Israeli population, are practically absent from TV screens, airwaves. Furthermore, media outlets very rarely employ Arabs workers While Israeli-Arabs make up 19% of the population, their representation in the media stands at only 1%, a report published by Agenda, The…

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