Killing Arabs is the way to promotion

The UK Independent reports on the not-too-subtle ways in which hardline Zionist policies are perpetuated in the West: Raised eyebrows in the UK Foreign Office, following the Prime Minister’s “creative” reshuffle, over the appointment of Ivan Lewis as Foreign Office Minister with responsibility for the Middle East. Lewis has a long history of interest in…

Forcing the Israelis to see reason

Nearly six of every 10 Israelis think Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should resist U.S. demands to completely freeze construction in Jewish West Bank settlements, according to a new poll released Friday.

Rudd’s nephew signs human rights petition

The following article by Patricia Karvelas appears in today’s Australian newspaper: More than 170 eminent Australians, including Kevin Rudd’s nephew, artist Van Thanh Rudd, have signed a petition calling on Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard to cancel her planned visit to Israel. Ms Gillard will later this month lead a delegation to the inaugural Australia…

Challenging the notions of reporting in the modern age

Sydney PEN, an affiliate of International PEN, is an association of writers devoted to freedom of expression in Australia and in the world at large. In accordance with the PEN Charter it uses its influence on behalf of writers anywhere who are silenced by persecution, exile or imprisonment and acts as an authoritative source on… matters…

The West should stay hopeful

Robert Fisk on the weird world of Iranian politics: It is certainly odd that Ahmadinejad denies Hitler’s greatest crime and then accuses his opponents of being Hitler. If Hitler didn’t kill the Jews of Europe, which crimes, one wonders, was Iran’s weird President thinking of?

Torture in Israel

Yesh Din is a leading Israeli human rights group. A legal adviser to the organisation writes about a court case that highlights the barbarity in the occupied, West Bank: “Is slapping the heads of Palestinians allowed or not?” the prosecutor asked, and [Colonel Itai] Virob spilled the occupation’s contaminated truth: “A slap, sometimes a punch…

An Iran we could love

The Iranian election is tough and unpredictable. The internet has become a key battleground in the struggle. This letter, published in the Guardian, offers an insight into a different future: We are a group of Iranian academic and anti-war activists in Europe and the US who, in the past few years, have consistently defended Iran‘s…

Let them die soon

A Guardian film about the dire medical services in Gaza and Israel’s constant refusal to allow sick patients access the border.

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