Perhaps not the best rep

If the UN retains any dignity, this move must be firmly rejected: Egypt is pushing hard to get its culture minister named as the head of the UN agency promoting cultural diversity. But as Farouk Hosni heads to Paris Wednesday to campaign for the job, he has to overcome controversy over his comments vowing to…

Free Ezra

A message from Jewish Voice for Peace: Join Naomi Klein, Neve Gordon, Noam Chomsky and thousands of others and tell Israel not to jail Ezra Nawi, one of Israel’s most courageous human rights activists. His crime? He tried to stop a military bulldozer from destroying the homes of Palestinian Bedouins in the South Hebron region.…

Obama hates Jews, did you hear?

Zionist fanatic Anne Bayefsky thinks Barack Obama has sold out the poor Jews: President Obama’s Cairo speech was nothing short of an earthquake — a distortion of history, an insult to the Jewish people, and an abandonment of very real human-rights victims in the Arab and Muslim worlds. It is not surprising that Arabs and…

Nothing has changed in six months

Nearly six months since the devastating war in Gaza, Palestinians are still living amid the rubble. Despite stirring talk of reconstruction efforts, little has changed. Inigo Gilmore visits the devastated neighbourhoods to see how families are coping.

A belief in Zionist excess

Random beatings. Excessive violence. Hatred of Palestinians. Daily life in the occupied, Palestinian territories: Two Israeli officers have testified that troops in the West Bank beat, bound and blindfolded Palestinian civilians as young as 14. The damaging disclosures by two sergeants of the Kfir Brigade include descriptions of abuses they say they witnessed during a…

How to describe the Gaza experience

Jewish writer and blogger Phil Weiss recently returned from Gaza. His latest report is stunning: Over two weeks in the Middle East, I came to the idea that Israel/Palestine has become an epicenter of hatred; and hatred flows out to the outside world from both sides. The insistence that all of Palestine is Palestinian and…

Remembering the Jewish trauma

Amira Hass, the fine journalist from Haaretz, has edited a diary from her mother’s time in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp: But let us not fall into the trap and think because Israel abuses the Holocaust and very often makes use of it in order to justify the repression and oppression of the Palestinians, let us…

Arabs, please wear a yellow star

Racism, Zionist-style: A community in northern Israel has changed its bylaws to demand that new residents pledge support for “Zionism, Jewish heritage and settlement of the land” in a thinly-veiled attempt to block Arab applicants from gaining admission.

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