When a country privatises the kitchen sink, quelle surprise when things go wrong

Interesting development in Britain (via the Guardian) that shows deep concern with the companies both major sides of politics increasingly believe should run the country: Home Office ministers have ordered weekly reports on the progress of two new contracts with the private security companies… G4S… and… Serco… to house and provide support services for thousands of asylum seekers and…

Yet another way Israel’s Better Place seduces foolish greenies

Israeli electric car company Better Place is rightly challenged by activists as being part of Brand Israel. Its human rights record is troubling. Here’s the latest example (via Electronic Intifada) of how these facts are routinely ignored in the name of being green and embracing “start-up Israel”: An Israeli company that builds infrastructure for the…

The aid economy that fuels Haiti’s misery

I’m currently in Haiti working on my book about disaster capitalism and a documentary with New York film-maker Thor Neureiter. It’ll be a global picture to show how privatisation and outsourcing, in the military, aid, intelligence, detention centres and mineral exploitation businesses, are creating a world of even greater disparity. Cholera remains a massive issue…

Why we need to start imagining today what comes “After Zionism”

My co-editor on the new book, After Zionism, Ahmed Moor, writes in The National: I recently had the opportunity to participate in a panel discussion on Palestine and Israel at the Frontline Club in London. About a hundred people packed into the intimately sized meeting hall to join in the conversation about the one-state solution.…

Rwanda is the “Israel of Africa”?

Perhaps s0me people see this comparison as a compliment as opposed to idealising a nation that discriminates based on race and religion. Here’s Metro interviewing Rwandan President Paul Kagame: Metro: Rwanda has been described as the “Israel of Africa.” What similarities do you see between the two? And what lessons can you learn from Israel,…

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