Sky News interview on the release of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

My interview on Sky News Australia about the remarkable news of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange being released from Belmarsh prison in London. I’ve been a Wikileaks supporter and friend since its inception in 2006. It has released more important documents about the state of global power than any other media outlet in my lifetime.

Background Briefing interview on Palestine, Wikileaks and war crimes

Background Briefing interview on Palestine, Wikileaks and war crimes

My interview with the LA-based radio program, Background Briefing, on my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, the ongoing US persecution of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and a major win for truthful journalism last week in a case about war crimes in Afghanistan: Background Briefing with Ian Masters · Exporting the Technology of Repression and Australia’s…

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