Gordon Brown latest appointee, Admiral Sir Alan West, has demonstrated that he will continue to be as ineffective in combating militant Islamic terrorism as his predecessors. According to West, the battle could last as long as 15 years, which suggests there are a finite number of terrorists in the world and that no more will be recruited to the cause.
“Britishness does not normally involve snitching or talking about someone,” he said. “I’m afraid, in this situation, anyone who’s got any information should say something because the people we are talking about are trying to destroy our entire way of life.”
The predictable but unfortunate reality is that West exhibits a blatant disregard for the causes that motivate Muslim extremists and radicalizes otherwise moderate Muslims to support those causes.
Britain was now fighting “a disparate core of people – based abroad primarily – whom I’m afraid are racist, they’re bigoted, they seek power, they’re avaricious in money terms and they talk of the caliphate.”
So once again, we have another stooge who, publicly at least, is deliberately ignoring advice of terrorist experts and numerous reports from intelligence agencies that have unambiguously documented the root causes of terrorism.