Category Audio

ABC Radio 702 Sydney on privatised immigration detention

Australian company Wilson Security recently announced it would withdraw from working in Australia’s offshore detention facilities from October 2017. It’s one, small positive step in the collapse of Australia’s privatised immigration network. I was recently interviewed about this development and privatised detention on ABC Radio’s 702 Sydney with host Wendy Harmer:

Voice of America interview about chaos in South Sudan

I was based in South Sudan for most of 2015. It’s a country still fracturing along racial and ethnic lines. I was recently interviewed by Voice of America on its daily… Africa 54 program (via Skype at Frankfurt Airport). The segment starts at 13:07. I’m described as a “South Sudanese journalist” when in fact I was…

China/Africa Project interview on Chinese relations with South Sudan

I lived for much of 2015 in South Sudan, a country undergoing a violent, post-independence period. I was recently interviewed by the great China/Africa Project on China’s relations with South Sudan: Nowhere else in Africa do China’s financial, diplomatic and geopolitical interests confront as much risk as they do in South Sudan.… Beijing has invested billions…

Debating Disaster Capitalism at the London School of Economics

During my recent visit to London, where I debated the future of the UN at the London School of Economics (LSE), I also discussed my book Disaster Capitalism at the LSE with three articulate and critical women:… Dr Brenna Bhandar, Dr Marsha Henry and… Dr Devika Hovell. I was challenged on my choice of interviewees in the…

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