Category Audio

German radio station Bayerischer Rundfunk on privatised immigration

During my recent period in Berlin, Germany, as a Visiting Researcher… at WZB Social Science Centre, I was interviewed by Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian Broadcasting) about Europe and Germany’s moves towards outsourcing its refugee “problem” to private corporations. My interview begins at 36.17. Other people on the show are social scientist Manuela Bojadzijev, political scientist Sandro Mezzadra,…

German radio station RBB interview on immigration

During my time in Berlin, Germany this year, immigration has been a central theme. I was recently… interviewed by German public broadcaster RBB about the issue and why privatising the refugee crisis, as I investigate in my book Disaster Capitalism, leads to human rights abuses. My interview has been translated into German but here’s the introduction…

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