Category Audio

Radio New Zealand interview on Israel and blogging

I was interviewed this weekend on Radio New Zealand National Saturday Morning with Kim Hill on issues of Israel, Zionism, Jewish identity, blogging and internet censorship. It was a long interview (over 40 minutes) and offered a rare opportunity to explore key areas of Zionist responsibility for occupation in Palestine and why blogging and journalism…

ABC Triple J Hack on Google and China

The news that Google is leaving China is causing headlines around the world. I was interviewed about the ramifications of the decision on yesterday’s current affairs program Hack on ABC’s Triple J:

SBS Radio interview on Gaza Freedom March

I was interviewed in Cairo on New Year’s Eve about the Gaza Freedom March for SBS Radio in Australia. We discussed the Israeli and Egyptian led siege of Gaza and the reasons behind the global attention on the Strip’s plight.

ABC Radio National interview on Gaza Freedom March

I was interviewed today on ABC Radio National Breakfast about the Gaza Freedom March: The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has just returned from peace talks with his Egyptian counterpart Hosni Mubarak, and Israel-Palestinian relations were among the topics discussed. This meeting sparked a protest which is still going in the centre of Cairo. Included…

SBS Radio interview on Israeli discrimination in East Jerusalem

SBS News Radio reports today: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is meeting Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas for the first time since taking office in March, in Washington today. U-S President Barack Obama is hosting the talks at the White House. It comes at a time when peace moves are stalled, despite intense U-S efforts. As…

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