Category General

Cinema verite; the strange world of LA’s plastic surgery universe

How to film a unique and disturbing environment? Documentary film can take many forms and Britain’s Louis Theroux is one of the most interesting. He often plays the straight man when faced with the oddest of circumstances. Since I’m currently working on a documentary myself, I’m increasingly fascinated with the process and how to capture…

Afghanistan heading for financial disaster?

Matthieu Aikins on what seemingly unlimited foreign aid has done to the war-torn country. Vulture capitalism is thriving: Afghanistan is awash in foreign aid. In 11 years of war, the United States and its allies have funneled hundreds of billions of dollars into the country. As a result, international spending is now the biggest part…

Britain as the torture-endorsing nation

Fascinating new evidence in the Guardian: Within days of the 9/11 attacks on the US, the… CIA… told British intelligence officers of its plans to abduct… al-Qaida… suspects and fly them to secret prisons where they would be systematically abused. The meeting, at the British embassy in Washington, is disclosed in… a forthcoming book by the Guardian journalist Ian Cobain.…

Trying to tempt Anwar al-Awlaki with the lure of another wife

An incredible story, if true, that reveals one way Western agencies attempt to target extremist enemies of the state (apart from killing them with drones). The New York Times reports: The man with the wire-rim glasses and bushy beard, speaking calmly in American-accented English, is familiar from dozens of Web videos urging violent jihad against…

This is just what global peace needs, a greatly expanded CIA drone fleet

The Washington Post reports on the deepening of American attempts to prosecute its “war on terror” globally through the use of imprecise and legally questionable drone technology. It’s also a wonderful way to make countless new enemies: The CIA is urging the White House to approve a significant expansion of the agency’s fleet of armed…

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