Category General

What rampant vulture capitalism looks like in Afghanistan

Private security companies have been causing chaos in the country for years. It’s something I examined during my recent visit to the country and will be appearing in a book and documentary on disaster capitalism in 2013. Here’s just the latest example of of unregulated chaos (via UK Telegraph): The American military is investigating allegations…

What war feels like in Damascus

Understanding life in Damascus today is difficult. It’s a rare journalist who captures the mood.… Janine di Giovanni (who’s reported from the country before) has a new and devastating dispatch in the New York Times: Rifa was growing frantic. Her husband had called to say that he and her brother were stuck on their way home…

How the US lost in Afghanistan against a guerrilla movement

More than ten years after 9/11, it’s still little appreciated how America and its allies have lost two wars comprehensively, Iraq and Afghanistan (though a friend today said to me that the former was a success, with any number of oil contracts going to North American firms). Here’s Gareth Porter in IPS with some fascinating…

How “liberal media” covers all those war-mongering Western leaders. Oh wait…

A typically astute Medialens analysis: Liberal journalism is balanced, neutral and objective, except when it’s not. A BBC news report on Hugo Chavez’s latest election triumph in Venezuela… commented: ‘Mr Chavez said Venezuela would continue its march towards socialism… butalso vowed he would be a “better president”.’ (Our emphasis. The article was subsequently amended, although the ‘but’…

America is blind in Syria

The lead story in today’s New York Times is comical. Almost. What’s clear is how little Washington understands the Syrian revolution, who is fighting and why. Its intelligence is clearly suspect and hardline Islamists are being strengthened. America learns nothing from history.… Afghanistan in the 1980s, anybody? Most of the arms shipped at the behest of… Saudi…

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