Category General

Just how many bases does America have in “liberated” Afghanistan?

That’s a question that seemingly nobody can answer. This is empire logic. Nick Turse investigates for TomDispatch: Afghanistan may turn out to be one of the great misbegotten “stimulus packages” of the modern era, a construction boom in the middle of nowhere with materials largely shipped in at enormous expense to no lasting purpose whatsoever.… …

Wall Street getting away with murder

The American banking system came close to complete collapse in 2008 and yet to this day barely anybody has been prosecuted. The Obama administration has a policy of looking forward and not looking back (and this includes national security, torture and finance). Here’s a new Al Jazeera documentary about the issues:

Haiti run, controlled and influenced by too many foreign interests

Being here in Haiti for the last while, it’s striking how often I hear how many locals say that their independence was taken from them years ago, particularly by the US and foreign NGOs. This story has only inflamed sentiments (via GlobalPost): Sean Penn’s aid foundation, J/P HRO, began tearing down the once-picturesque National Palace…

When a country privatises the kitchen sink, quelle surprise when things go wrong

Interesting development in Britain (via the Guardian) that shows deep concern with the companies both major sides of politics increasingly believe should run the country: Home Office ministers have ordered weekly reports on the progress of two new contracts with the private security companies… G4S… and… Serco… to house and provide support services for thousands of asylum seekers and…

The aid economy that fuels Haiti’s misery

I’m currently in Haiti working on my book about disaster capitalism and a documentary with New York film-maker Thor Neureiter. It’ll be a global picture to show how privatisation and outsourcing, in the military, aid, intelligence, detention centres and mineral exploitation businesses, are creating a world of even greater disparity. Cholera remains a massive issue…

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