Category General

On the dangers of militant atheism

One of the themes in my recent book For God’s Sake is tackling the role of extremism in all its guises, including atheism. I was interviewed this week by Jenna Price in The Canberra Times: Australian journalist and atheist Antony Loewenstein, co-author of… For God’s Sake,… says evangelical atheism, or what is now called “new atheism”, is…

Perth Indymedia interview on Profits of Doom

I was interviewed last night by Perth Indymedia on my new book, Profits of Doom, and we discussed privatised detention centres, privatised war in Afghanistan and Iraq and resistance in the form of the #Occupy movement. Listen here.

Western elite outrage over Syria has little to do with chemical weapons

Forget the crocodile tears of Western leaders. This is about unseating a leader who opposes Western designs in the Middle East (albeit Assad is an incredibly brutal dictator). Here’s Australian intellectual Scott Burchill: How genuine is the West’s concerns about the use of chemical weapons in Syria five days ago? Not very, I suspect. … …

Serco and G4S under marginally tighter scrutiny

This is new positive news, if the outsourcing obsessed British government takes it seriously. Serco, G4S and a range of other vulture capitalists need to be challenged on their woeful human rights records (via the Financial Times): Security companies… G4S… and… Serco… will have to go through a process of “corporate renewal” if they are to be considered for…

Corporate complicity in drone terror

British human rights group Reprieve… on an important investigation: A number of major financial institutions are investigating telecoms firm BT over its alleged involvement in the US’ covert drone warfare programme. The firms considering their investments in BT – after human rights charity Reprieve filed a complaint with the UK Government – include Standard Life, Blackrock,…

Conspiracy theory central; how the Muslim Brotherhood controls Obama

Great US indy journo Max Blumenthal loves taking on media myths, right-wing racism and bullshit. He’s his latest (via Mondoweiss): On August 22, 2013, several hundred Egyptians and Egyptian-Americans hit the streets of Washington DC to show their support for General Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi and the regime that overthrew the elected President Mohamed Morsi in…

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