Category General

Australian politics is little better than satire. Discuss

Australian politicians, including Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, are currently wandering around Western Sydney looking for friends and spewing bile against anybody who isn’t “Australian”, whatever the hell that means. Pandering to the racist instinct is the worst kind of politics. I’ve never linked to a story on Channel 7’s Today…

BBC happy to promote deluded British narrative of spreading democracy

Typically savvy writing by Medialens: This ideological function was clear in the BBC Newsnight ‘special’ edition on February 26, 2013, titled… ‘Iraq: 10 Years On’. One of the guests on the platform in front of an invited audience was the grandly titled ‘World Affairs Editor’, John Simpson. The veteran journalist has an air of avuncular gravitas,…

What resistance in Bougainville, PNG means

The resource curse has hit Papua New Guinea more than many other countries in the world. Massive mineral and energy wealth is largely squandered by a corrupt government and Western multinationals. It’s an issue I’ve investigated in my forthcoming book and documentary about disaster capitalism. There’s a great website by Dr Kristian Lasslett that details…

10 years on, Iraq is broken

Patrick Cockburn, one of the finest mainstream journalists around, writes for the UK Independent… from Iraq about the state of the nation we invaded and occupied in 2003: Iraq is disintegrating as a…  country under the pressure of a mounting political, social and economic crisis, say Iraqi leaders. They add that 10 years after the US…

Sins of the Vatican

There’s a remarkable documentary by US Oscar-winning film-maker Alex Gibney called Mea Maxima Culpa: In the House of God. It’s about the role of the Catholic Church in America and globally in hiding sexual abuse for decades. Nobody is spared, and rightly so. Testimony is given by deaf men who were assaulted as boys. Their…

Welcome to your future; a drone university near you

The joys: Touting unprecedented education “for the benefit of mankind,” Unmanned Vehicle University, America’s only school offering postgraduate engineering degrees in unmanned systems – ie: drones – is thriving. Since opening in Arizona in July with five students taking its largely online courses for an annual fee of $64,000, it now has 300 graduate drone…

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