Category Interviews

Melbourne’s Triple R radio interview on Australia’s failure to push for Gaza ceasefire

Melbourne’s Triple R radio interview on Australia’s failure to push for Gaza ceasefire

My recent interview with Melbourne’s great independent radio station, Triple R: Independent journalist Antony Loewenstein (author of The Palestine Laboratory) returns to The Grapevine to speak with guest host Judith Peppard. They cover the latest developments in Gaza since Antony’s previous conversation with Dylan Bird two weeks prior, including Australia’s Government abstaining from a United…

Democracy Now! interview on Israel live-testing weapons in Gaza

I spoke to US show Democracy Now! about the events since the 7 October attack by Hamas on Israel, Western arms sales to Israel and how Israel is live-testing weapons on Gaza for potential foreign sales: Worldwide protests calling for a ceasefire are drawing attention to the role of weapons manufacturers and distributors supplying machinery…

Verso podcast on The Palestine Laboratory

Verso podcast on The Palestine Laboratory

The publisher Verso released my book, The Palestine Laboratory, in the UK and US in May this year. As part of its popular podcast series, I was interviewed alongside Palestinian writer Ghada Karmi to discuss Palestine and growing opposition to Israeli actions. This is the blurb: This week we were planning to bring you an…

Al Jazeera English interview on US intelligence boost for Israel

My latest Al Jazeera English interview on the CIA director visiting the Middle East and the US intelligence gathering base in central Australia, Pine Gap, giving intel to Israel in its war against Gaza, as reported exclusively by Declassified Australia last week (in a story that’s gone global and viral). PS. I mis-spoke near the…

On intelligence failures and Israel/Hamas

On intelligence failures and Israel/Hamas

After the recent Hamas attack on Israel, there’s been much discussion about the Israeli (and American) intelligence failures. I spoke to Al Jazeera’s podcast, The Take, about it all, especially in relation to my book, The Palestine Laboratory: An Israeli ground invasion of Gaza appears all but set to begin. It’s an invasion that the…

Deep diving on the threat of Israeli ethno-nationalism

Deep diving on the threat of Israeli ethno-nationalism

I enjoyed this podcast on Melbourne’s 3CR Radio, Yeah Nah Pasaran!, talking about my book, The Palestine Laboratory, and the Israeli war with Hamas. This is how the show is described: Examining, through an anti-fascist lens, ethno-nationalism, white supremacy and neo-fascism in so-called Australia, Aotearoa & around the world. Andy Fleming & Cam Smith talk…

Truthout interview on the Palestine lab

Truthout interview on the Palestine lab

My interview on the US outlet Truthout podcast, recorded before the Hamas attack on Israel in early October, on my book, The Palestine Laboratory: “The danger now is not just in Palestine for Palestinians. It’s gone well beyond that now. It’s exported, the idea that you can export occupation, you can export the tools of…

Radio New Zealand interview on Hamas/Israel war

Radio New Zealand interview on Hamas/Israel war

I was interviewed yesterday on Radio New Zealand’s Morning Report about the latest between Hamas and Gaza: The UN is calling for essential supplies of food, water and fuel to reach civilians in Gaza under Israeli bombardment and blockade. Antony Loewenstein is an Australian-German Jewish journalist and author of The Palestine Laboratory who was based…

ABC News Australia interview on Israel, Hamas and troubling media framing

My interview yesterday on ABC News Australia on Israel and Hamas and how the media routinely (and falsely) equates occupied and occupier. UPDATE: Days after this interview was posted online, it went viral. Translated into Arabic, it’s been watched millions of times in both English and Arabic: #شاهد رد الصحفي الأسترالي اليهودي، الذي غطى معظم…

Israel’s Palestine Laboratory: From India to the world

A great event today with New York-based The Polis Project: Join us for a conversation about two important books: Azad Essa’s Hostile Homelands: The New Alliance Between India and Israel and Antony Loewenstein’s The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World. In this conversation, Essa and Loewenstein will discuss the…

Mondoweiss interview on the Palestine laboratory

Mondoweiss interview on the Palestine laboratory

Mondoweiss is a US-based website that covers Israel/Palestine and US relations with the Middle East. I’ve either written for the outlet or been interviewed by them for nearly 20 years. US correspondent Michael Arria interviewed me about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory.

Arab Centre Washington DC on the Palestine lab

Arab Centre Washington DC on the Palestine lab

My interview with Yousef Munayyer at the Arab Centre Washington DC about my book, The Palestine Laboratory: Antony Loewenstein and Yousef Munayyer discuss the Israeli arms industry and how it relates to Israel’s military occupation of Palestine. Loewenstein is an independent investigative journalist, best-selling author, and filmmaker.

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