Category Interviews

New Zealand Maori radio on The Palestine Laboratory

New Zealand Maori radio on The Palestine Laboratory

During my recent book tour in New Zealand for The Palestine Laboratory, I was interviewed by the country’s first Maori radio station. It was an interesting conversation and highlighted that many Maoris I met throughout the country were both aware of the grim situation in Palestine and actively opposed Israel’s occupation. It was solidarity with…

Melbourne’s Triple R radio on The Palestine Laboratory

Melbourne’s Triple R radio on The Palestine Laboratory

My interview with Melbourne’s Triple R Radio program, The Grapevine, about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory: The Palestine Laboratory is a new book by journalist Antony Loewenstein that documents how Israel’s subjugation of the Palestinian people serves as a testing ground for weapons and surveillance systems that are then exported around the world. Built…

Radio New Zealand interview on The Palestine Laboratory

Radio New Zealand interview on The Palestine Laboratory

My interview with one of New Zealand’s leading news programs, Saturday Morning with Kim Hill, to discuss my new book, The Palestine Laboratory: Australian-German investigative journalist Antony Loewenstein argues Israel has used occupied Palestinian territories as a testing ground to develop weaponry and surveillance technology. In his new book The Palestine Laboratory Loewenstein pulls together…

Democracy Now! covers The Palestine Laboratory

The US TV show, Democracy Now!, interviewed me in a long 20-minute segment on my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, where we discussed the EU use of Israeli drones, ethno-nationalism, Israeli spyware et al. I’ve previously appeared on Democracy Now! in 2008, 2013 and 2015.

The Shot takes aim at Israeli mass surveillance

The Shot takes aim at Israeli mass surveillance

The Shot is a satirical outlet with bite. Its weekly podcast interviewed me this week, with hosts Jo Dyer and Grace Tame, on my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, and we discussed personal politics, challenging establishment power, mass surveillance and other (not always funny) subjects:  

2SER Radio on The Palestine Laboratory

2SER Radio on The Palestine Laboratory

The Fourth Estate is a weekly media show on community radio 2SER (based in Sydney but broadcast around Australia). Its host, veteran journalist Monica Attard, interviewed me about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, and tackled the personal, my evolution on Israel/Palestine, boycotts and mass surveillance:

US radio interview on KPFA about Israeli mass surveillance

My interview with US radio station KPFA and its program, Against The Grain, about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory: Israel is one of the world’s most important producers of military hardware and surveillance technology, honed in its occupation of Palestine, and exported around the globe to various brutal regimes. Journalist and filmmaker Antony Loewenstein…

This Machine Kills tackles The Palestine Laboratory

This Machine Kills tackles The Palestine Laboratory

This Machine Kills is a fascinating podcast that tackles techno-dystopia and political economy. I was interviewed on its latest episode about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory: This Machine Kills · 262. – How Israel Battle Tests Occupation for the World (ft. Antony Loewenstein)

When TikTok welcomes The Palestine Laboratory

TikTok is one of the biggest apps in the world so it’s pleasing to see this pro-Palestine account, with a large following, talking positively about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory: @anat_international Thank you @Verso Books ???????? #palestine #books #palestinebooks #booktok #bookmail ♬ original sound – anat_international

Why so many people don’t believe what they see and hear

The growing public distrust of the mainstream media is an issue that should concern all living and breathing citizens (and yes, there are often good reasons for it). It’s an issue I discuss in this interview on The Jist podcast along with my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, and mass surveillance. I previously appeared on…

ABC Radio Sydney interview on Israeli hacking tool, Cellebrite

ABC Radio Sydney interview on Israeli hacking tool, Cellebrite

Israeli company Cellebrite sells a phone hacking tool that’s ubiquitous across the world including in Australia. It’s an issue I investigate in my new book, The Palestine Laboratory. Here’s my interview with ABC Radio Australia in Sydney and Canberra where I discuss Cellebrite and other mass surveillance tools that exist in the West with barely…

Israeli repressive tech invades our privacy

Israeli repressive tech invades our privacy

A key section in my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, is on the role of Israeli spyware and hacking tools. Israeli company Cellebrite is a major player and it has a large, mostly unheralded presence in Australia. Declassified Australia recently ran my investigation into the company’s role in Australia (alongside an edited book extract.) Here’s…

How Israel enforces global borders

How Israel enforces global borders

The Long Road Magazine is a great, European-based outlet reporting on borders and borderlands. I was recently interviewed by one of its co-founders, Patrick O. Strickland, about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, with a particular focus on Israeli tech maintaining borders (in the EU and on the US/Mexico). The wonderful sketch of me, published…

Declassified Australia talk on Israeli mass surveillance

My recent conversation at the Addi Road Writer’s Festival in Sydney, Australia about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, with my Declassified Australia friend, co-founder and co-editor, Peter Cronau. We discussed surveillance capitalism and Israel’s leading role in its global proliferation (including in Australia via the Israeli company Cellebrite, a fact explained in a book…

LitHub speaks The Palestine Laboratory

LitHub speaks The Palestine Laboratory

LitHub is a US-based literary website. I was interviewed by one of its hosts, writer Andrew Keen, about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, Jewish identity and the threat of anti-Semitism. It was one of the feistier interviews I’ve had since my book was released though I’m happy to be challenged on my thesis.

Electronic Intifada on the how and why of testing weapons in Palestine

My interview with Nora Barrows-Friedman at the US-based Electronic Intifada on my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, is a wide-ranging discussion on how Israel tests weapons in Palestine and explains why the Jewish state has become the 10th biggest arms dealer in the world: On episode 78, we’re joined by journalist, filmmaker and best-selling author…

Background Briefing interview on Palestine, Wikileaks and war crimes

Background Briefing interview on Palestine, Wikileaks and war crimes

My interview with the LA-based radio program, Background Briefing, on my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, the ongoing US persecution of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and a major win for truthful journalism last week in a case about war crimes in Afghanistan: Background Briefing with Ian Masters · Exporting the Technology of Repression and Australia’s…

The Canadian role in Israel’s endless occupation

The Canadian role in Israel’s endless occupation

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) interviewed me about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, and we discussed how the occupation is being exported and the rise and importance of civil resistance to these weapons of war.

ABC Adelaide talks The Palestine Laboratory

Last night I was interviewed on ABC Adelaide radio by host Peter Goers about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, Jewish identity, Zionism and dissent. The interview starts at around 1:30. I’ve appeared on this show many times before talking about Palestine and the drug war.

Talking Palestine with the South China Morning Post

My interview with Alex Lo from the South China Morning Post newspaper about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory. Many interesting conversations here but particularly about China’s potentially growing role in the Middle East and how this could impact the Israel/Palestine conflict. The full interview transcript is below: Israel has occupied Palestinian territories for more…

Palestine as the ultimate showroom

My interview on Britain’s Novara Media about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory: Israel needs friends. And one of the main tools it has used to get them is its arms industry. The 10th biggest in the world, it increasingly specialises in the kind of digital surveillance technology European governments love to pretend they never…

MSNBC interview on The Palestine Laboratory

My US mainstream TV debut just happened! MSNBC’s Medhi Hasan introduced my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, and gave it the proper context. Then we spoke about Israel’s ethno-nationalism, the arms trade and using Palestine as a testing ground. The fact that this discussion can happen, on prime-time US TV, shows that there’s an increasingly…

TRT World interview on new far-right Israeli government

Following the visit to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem by Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, I was interviewed by global broadcaster TRT World on the state of Israel/Palestine relations and why the Jewish state remains so appealing to many.

Jerusalem must be shared by Palestinians and Israelis

The Australian government has reversed the previous government’s decision to recognise West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It’s a smart move but largely symbolic. I was interviewed by global broadcaster TRT World about it last night. I was also interviewed by The Guardian: Antony Loewenstein, a journalist who co-founded Independent Australian Jewish Voices and…

In conversation with whistle-blower David McBride

David McBride is a courageous whistleblower who exposed Australian war crimes in Afghanistan. For his sins, he’s now facing trial and potentially life in prison (while not one soldier who committed the war crimes has faced court). We’ve become friends over the last years and I deeply admire his principles. David interviewed me recently about my…

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