Category Israel

The national priority of testing weapons on Palestinians

The national priority of testing weapons on Palestinians

My book, The Palestine Laboratory, was recently released in Italy. Here’s a wonderful review in MicroMega, a publication that describes itself as “the most important Italian magazine of cultural and political deepening for many years.” It’s written by the journalist Christian Elia, the editor of the recent book by Francesca Albanese, J’accuse. “Laboratorio Palestina”: l’esportazione…

How well is the media covering Gaza?

How well is the media covering Gaza?

How the media reports on and discusses Israel/Palestine matters. For many years, with notable exceptions, the wilful blindness of the media towards humanising Palestinians has been demoralising. I discuss this on the Fourth Estate radio program, broadcast around Australia, this week:  

On the philosophy of Netanyahuism

On the philosophy of Netanyahuism

Arena is a leading Australian independent magazine. Academic Ned Curthoys has written a long and considered review of my book, The Palestine Laboratory. An extract: An historical reckoning with Israel’s support for the most depraved regimes of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries is needed, and in this respect the book is an informed update on…

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