Category Israel

Spain’s El Punt Avui interview on the Palestine lab

Spain’s El Punt Avui interview on the Palestine lab

The Spanish translated edition of my book, The Palestine Laboratory, is out with Capitan Swing. Here’s my interview with the Spanish newspaper, El Punt Avui: “Destruir Gaza no reportarà seguretat als jueus” | Anna Balcells | Barcelona | Política | El Punt Av  

Spanish TV interview with La Sexta on the Palestine lab

Spanish TV interview with La Sexta on the Palestine lab

The Spanish translated edition of my book, The Palestine Laboratory, is out with Capitan Swing. My latest interview is with the Spanish TV channel, La Sexta, a free-to-air network. Israel usa Gaza como escaparate y campo de pruebas de su industria armamentística. Las vende como "testadas en combate". Combate contra civiles, que son la mayoría…

Understanding Palestinian pain

Understanding Palestinian pain

Earlier this year I discovered the work of the Amsterdam-based drag artist Indie Nile who had made a viral video on Israeli propaganda. Indie recently interviewed me for a new video, How Israel Erases Palestinian Pain, and it’s a funny, witty and insightful look at how Palestinian grief, especially in a time of mass slaughter…

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