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Killing any prospect for peace

The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions released the following statement on June 29: The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) and Rabbis for Human Rights-Shomrei Mishpat welcome the Jerusalem Municipality’s announcement that it is considering a freeze on the demolition of 70% of the so-called “illegal” Palestinians homes built without a permit. The Deputy Mayor…

Oh darling, beat me with that box

What does a Western-embraced dictator do with a woman who loves to invade countries and break things? Libya’s leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi showered then-US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice with gifts during her historic visit to Tripoli last year, according to a government report.Gaddafi, who did not hide his admiration for the woman he called…

Get used to the company, Jews

Iran is burning. Not to worry, the Jewish Forward reports: “Already, in Washington policy circles, the Israelis’ mantra, let’s bomb them, has gone off the table,” said Marshall Breger, a former Reagan and Bush senior White House aide and Orthodox Jew who has been engaged in interfaith dialogue with senior Iranian clerics. “It’s not considered…

How to be a civilised country

It’s encouraging that the neo-conservatives, who still embrace torture, have not totally infected the American public: Six in 10 Americans approve of having an international convention saying that “governments should never use physical torture” as a means of trying to get information, while 39 percent say such a ban is too restrictive, according to a…

Caring about human rights everywhere except Palestine

This is the latest weekly ad by Israeli peace group Gush Shalom: Those who oppress Millions of Palestinians For 42 years – Rave about the freedom fighters -…  in Iran. Those who rejected the results Of the Palestinian elections – Are shocked by the thwarting Of the people’s will – in Iran. Those who shoot…

Israel’s beach in Central Park brings frenzy and protest

My following article is published today on the popular US website Mondoweiss: The recent Salute to Israel parade in New York was symptomatic of a mainstream Jewish community desperate to appear normal, relaxed yet determined. Sunday’s “Tel Aviv beach in Central Park” was another day in the life of Israeli propaganda, estimated to have cost…

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