Category Video

The invaluable role played by whistleblowers

John Kiriakou is a former CIA intelligence officer who became a whistle-blower, revealing the agency’s use of torture post 9/11. He now hosts a TV program, The Whistleblowers, and recently interviewed me about my book, The Palestine Laboratory. It broadcast around the world. The Palestine Laboratory – How Israel Exports the technology of occupation around…

The Kashmir Times on the Palestine lab

In my book, The Palestine Laboratory, I examine the impact of Israeli and Indian policies on Muslim-majority Kashmir. I partly explain this through an interview with the editor of the Kashmir Times, Anuradha Bhasin. She recently interviewed me about my book and the events of 7 October.

Democracy Now! interview on Israel live-testing weapons in Gaza

I spoke to US show Democracy Now! about the events since the 7 October attack by Hamas on Israel, Western arms sales to Israel and how Israel is live-testing weapons on Gaza for potential foreign sales: Worldwide protests calling for a ceasefire are drawing attention to the role of weapons manufacturers and distributors supplying machinery…

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