Category Video

MSNBC interview on The Palestine Laboratory

My US mainstream TV debut just happened! MSNBC’s Medhi Hasan introduced my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, and gave it the proper context. Then we spoke about Israel’s ethno-nationalism, the arms trade and using Palestine as a testing ground. The fact that this discussion can happen, on prime-time US TV, shows that there’s an increasingly…

TRT World interview on new far-right Israeli government

Following the visit to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem by Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, I was interviewed by global broadcaster TRT World on the state of Israel/Palestine relations and why the Jewish state remains so appealing to many.

Jerusalem must be shared by Palestinians and Israelis

The Australian government has reversed the previous government’s decision to recognise West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It’s a smart move but largely symbolic. I was interviewed by global broadcaster TRT World about it last night. I was also interviewed by The Guardian: Antony Loewenstein, a journalist who co-founded Independent Australian Jewish Voices and…

In conversation with whistle-blower David McBride

David McBride is a courageous whistleblower who exposed Australian war crimes in Afghanistan. For his sins, he’s now facing trial and potentially life in prison (while not one soldier who committed the war crimes has faced court). We’ve become friends over the last years and I deeply admire his principles. David interviewed me recently about my…

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