Category Video

Talking Disaster Capitalism under Trump in NYC

My book, Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe, has just been released in paperback (via Verso Books). It’s never been more relevant in the age of Trump, privatisation on crack, shadowy wars and abusive immigration policies. Last week in New York, I launched the book at the great Manhattan bookstore, Mcnally Jackson. In…

Al Jazeera English's The Stream on disaster capitalism and the Syrian war

Yesterday I appeared on the Al Jazeera English program, The Stream, talking about people and corporations making money from the Syrian war (eg. the new… report, Border Wars, from The Transnational Institute on arms dealers finding huge profits from the European refugee crisis). My segment starts at 1:32: The holy month in Aleppo What has Ramadan…

The UN on trial: debate at the London School of Economics

During my recent time in London I was an expert witness at the London School of Economics during a fascinating event putting the UN on trial. 70 years old and always controversial, prosecution and defence lawyers tried the UN and asked both a jury and large audience if the UN should continue. A number of…

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