Category Video

ElectionWire interview on Australian election

Election Wire is an online youth portal covering the Australian election campaign (here’s their recent report about detention centres). Journalist Austin G. Mackell yesterday interviewed me about the issues in the country, including foreign affairs, the Greens, the web filter, Wikileaks and the Middle East:

Al-Jazeera on Wikileaks Afghan story

The Wikileaks Afghan logs release has caused outrage, consternation and celebration across the world. Al-Jazeera’s media show, The Listening Post, this week discussed the significance of the story and the future of online journalism. They asked me to briefly comment on the tale (starts at 8.40):

Loewenstein and Abunimah on GritTV

I was interviewed yesterday on leading independent American television show GritTV alongside Ali Abunimah. We discussed the “peace process”, Palestine, BDS, the role of Barack Obama and the importance of the web: More GRITtv

Sydney discussion with Diana Buttu and Loewenstein

In early July, I appeared in Sydney at Politics in the Pub with leading Palestinian spokesperson Diana Buttu (who was brought out to Australia to engage with audiences about the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement). We spoke about the Middle East situation, facts on the ground in Palestine, shifting global attitudes towards Israel and the…

ABC TV broadcast on internet freedom and anti-censorship

I recently debated in Sydney on the motion that governments shouldn’t censor the internet. ABC TV broadcast the discussion and our team included a robust explanation on the principles of free speech. An edited version of the debate was broadcast tonight on ABC Radio National Big Ideas:

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