Category Wikileaks

Wikileaks and Assange remain rightly defiant

In a new interview with Rolling Stone’s Michael Hastings, Julian Assange outlines what is at stake in America’s determination to prosecute him for daring to expose its dirty little secrets: In diplomatic cables, the investigation into WikiLeaks by the U.S. government has been called “unprecedented both in its scale and nature.” How much do you…

Assange; Australian government thinks its true master sits in DC

Julian Assange tells The Power Index that Canberra needs to grow a back-bone (fat chance): WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange remains frustrated by the lack of assistance from the Australian federal government over his prolonged overseas legal plight, three weeks ahead of his appeal against extradition in the UK Supreme Court. In an exclusive interview with… The…

Our brave new world; hacking Stratfor

Welcome to the future (via Daily Kos): In the wake of the recent operation by which Stratfor’s servers were compromised, much of the media has focused on the fact that some participants in the attack chose to use obtained customer credit card numbers to make donations to charitable causes. Although this aspect of the operation…

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