Category Wikileaks

Dictatorship offers US help on secrets post Wikileaks

An authoritarian, one-party state offers advice to the US. Thanks, we’ll take your thoughts on-board: Singaporean officials must be more cautious in discussions with U.S. diplomats, the country’s foreign affairs minister said Monday, calling the release of classified documents by WikiLeaks disastrous for American diplomacy. Singapore officials will be less open when speaking with U.S.…

So sorry authoritarian state, America still loves you

What’s a super-power to do when trying to keep good relationships with dictatorships and brutish men? Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, in the Middle East for meetings with Persian Gulf leaders, acknowledged Sunday that it would take years to undo the damage caused by the WikiLeaks revelations, likening her recent travels to an extended…

Will the brave reporters please stand up?

What a sad state of affairs. The vast bulk of American journalists show themselves to be cowards, simply unwilling to defend the importance of what Wikileaks is doing. Too afraid to seriously challenge the Washington line. Shameful: Not so long ago, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange could count on American journalists to support his campaign to…

Department of Justice selective outrage over Wikileaks

Here’s the hypocrisy. If Iran demanded Twitter release direct messages of a user, the US government would be outraged. But of course double-standards are the name of the game here: A member of parliament in Iceland who is also a former WikiLeaks volunteer says the US justice department has ordered Twitter to hand over her…

Washington doesn’t care too much about certain leaks

So I presume Donald Rumsfeld will be prosecuted for releasing classified documents? Details of Donald Rumsfeld‘s forthcoming book tour are out, as the former defense secretary plans to sit for a series of interviews with ABC News in early February, the network announced Thursday. Rumsfeld — who served as defense secretary in two administrations —…

Assange and Mugabe aren’t sharing drinks at sunset

Oh the irony. A former Bush administration official – didn’t their democracy work bring so much happiness to the world? – slams Wikileaks and Julian Assange for allegedly helping Robert Mugabe cement his dictatorship in Zimbabwe by the release of some sensitive cables. Michael Gerson seems to misunderstand the process here. Wikileaks didn’t recklessly release…

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