Category Wikileaks

Times avoided Wikileaks scoops to avoid offending Jews

Nobody said the American media was brave. Here’s Assange speaking on Al-Jazeera: The Guardian, El-Pais and Le Monde have published only two percent of the files related to Israel due to the sensitive relations between Germany, France and Israel. Even New York Times could not publish more due to the sensitivities related to the Jewish…

Wikileaks was recently receiving 100k pounds a day

An expansive interview with Julian Assange in the Guardian that thankfully doesn’t obsess over the contested sex charges: Julian Assange said today that it would be “politically impossible” for Britain to extradite him to the United States, and that the final word on his fate if he were charged with espionage would rest with David…

Wikileaks will soon expose Zionism’s dirty little secrets

Enough with the conspiracy theories (aka Israel colluding with Wikileaks). The group will soon unload on Israel and it won’t be pretty: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Wednesday that his website is due to release thousands of documents related to Israel, particularly dealing with the Mabhouh assassination in Dubai and the Second Lebanon War, Channel…

Of course empire spokesmen hate Wikileaks

Jeffrey Bleich, US ambassador in Australia, writes an embarrassing defence of secrecy post-Wikileaks, claims lives have been lost (with no evidence) and wishes for the good old days of governments sharing secrets because they know what’s best: Before I became an ambassador, I worked for many years as a lawyer advocating for freedom of expression…

Is Wikileaks leaking itself?

Oops: An Oslo-based newspaper reportedly has become the only medium in the world that’s secured unlimited access to more than 250,000 documents initially leaked to the non-profit organization WikiLeaks. The leak from WikiLeaks seems to have spoiled the organization’s strategy to retain control over the vast array of classified material mostly originating from US embassies…

Assange and the Jewish analogy

Not quite sure of the accuracy of this comparison; institutional anti-Semitism against Jews wasn’t just in the establishment, it was widely shared across the community: The founder of WikiLeaks has compared his treatment by the Swedish authorities seeking his extradition over sexual assault allegations to the persecution of the Jewish people in the last century.…

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