The truth is out

The ongoing saga of Jewish Federal Labor MP Michael Danby and his attempts to censor my forthcoming book on Israel/Palestine continues today with an avalanche of “information” in the Australian Jewish News (AJN). Leaving aside the fact that Danby has provided priceless publicity for my work, he has caused the Jewish press to fire on…

Saga goes mainstream

The saga of Federal Labor MP Michael Danby trying to censor my forthcoming book on Israel/Palestine continues today in the Melbourne Age: Meddler for Melbourne Ports Michael Danby championed the cause of asylum seekers in June when he declared: “They have the right of free speech.” But a few months on, the Jewish Labor MP…

The other side

The following letters appear in this week’s Australian Jewish News, in response to Federal Labor MP Michael Danby’s attempt at censoring and bullying my publisher, Melbourne University Publishing and my forthcoming book on Israel/Palestine. He has failed, of course and will continue to do so. Perhaps he’s forgotten we live in a democracy. Michael, your…

And it continues

The saga over the publication of my forthcoming book on Israel/Palestine continues today. Federal Labor MP Michael Danby responds to Crikey. For background information on the controversy, read this, then this. Danby misses the point entirely in his letter. He claims he has “made no attempt to censor Mr Antony Loewenstein, or anyone else.” Er,…

Free speech

As many of you know, I’m currently writing a book on Israel/Palestine for Melbourne University Publishing, due in May 2006. The following letter appears in this week’s Australian Jewish News. It’s written by Federal Labor MP, Michael Danby. Its agenda is clear. Why is a member of parliament trying to stop the publication of my…

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