Carne Cruda interview on the Palestine lab

Following the recent release of my book, The Palestine Laboratory, in a Spanish edition, I’m being interviewed by a huge number of Spanish journalists. Here’s my interview with Carne Cruda, one of the most popular podcasts in the country.

El Periódico interview on the Palestine laboratory

El Periódico interview on the Palestine laboratory

Following the recent release of my book, The Palestine Laboratory, in a Spanish edition, I’m being interviewed by a huge number of Spanish journalists. Here’s my interview in El Periódico de Catalunya, a daily newspaper based in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. ANTONY LOEWENSTEIN | Gaza, laboratorio de armas para Israel: Las promocionan como probada en combat

El Confidencial interview on the Palestine lab

El Confidencial interview on the Palestine lab

Following the recent release of my book, The Palestine Laboratory, in a Spanish edition, I’m being interviewed by a huge number of Spanish journalists. Here’s my interview in El Confidencial. Banderas de Israel ondeando en manifestaciones de ultraderecha: así opera el ‘laboratorio palestino’

The Palestine Lab in Gujarati

The Palestine Lab in Gujarati

During my recent visit to the Jaipur Literature Festival in India, I was interviewed by a range of local media outlets. Here’s my just published interview in the Divya Bhaskar newspaper in the Gujarati language where I talk about my book, The Palestine Laboratory, Israel’s war on Gaza and close ties between Israel and India.…

El Diario interview on The Palestine lab

El Diario interview on The Palestine lab

Following the recent release of my book, The Palestine Laboratory, in a Spanish edition, I’m being interviewed by a huge number of Spanish journalists. Here’s the story in El Diario. El negocio israelí de la guerra: “Muchas empresas promocionan material militar que el Ejército está

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