Open House radio interview over For God’s Sake

Talking at length about religion or lack of religion is a rare thing in the mainstream media. My recent book, For God’s Sake, is an attempt to discuss the role of faith, politics, Palestine, Jesus, Mohammed et al in a respectful though never dull way. Yesterday there was a radio interview on Open House with…

When a (short) break from the political madness is required

Reading this on a Sunday evening has brought a (much-needed) smile to my face. Here’s wonderful writer Gary Shteyngart in the New Yorker from June with something lyrical, moving, funny and most importantly, non-political: I love Pamela. She is what I’ve been waiting for all my life. A chance to lower myself into complete abasement,…

Private companies making a fortune from asylum seekers

My following piece appears in the Melbourne Age today: In 2005, Labor’s then immigration spokesman Tony Burke said detention centres for asylum seekers must never be run by private companies. “You shouldn’t have a situation”, he said, “where the level of supervision and the standard of care has anything to do with the private profits…

Readings positively reviews Profits of Doom

My new book Profits of Doom is now out. Here’s a great review from one of Australia’s leading independent bookstores, Readings: Australian journalist Antony Loewenstein has travelled to Papua New Guinea, Afghanistan, Haiti and around Australia to report on a growing trend of ”˜vulture capitalism’ where the political and economic culture encourages ”˜corporate vultures to…

Profits of Doom introductory chapter

My new book Profits of Doom is released officially today. There will be an avalanche of media and events in the coming weeks and months but in the meantime my publisher, Melbourne University Publishing, has published the introduction to the work. You can buy the book via Amazon and my publisher. Please read and share:…

Zionist rabbi tackles “For God’s Sake” (and gets confused)

My recent book For God’s Sake is reviewed by Rabbi John Levi, ironically the former rabbi at my family synagogue in Melbourne where I grew up. Suffice to say, we have no contact today, and haven’t for years, and he’s one of the classic Zionist Jews who places tribal loyalty above commitment to human rights…

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