Watch the NSA leak like a sieve

There is a world of intelligence gathering that staggers in terms of size and depth. Here’s James Bamford in Wired on a future over which citizens have no say: Physically, the NSA has always been well protected by miles of high fences and electrified wire, thousands of cameras, and gun-toting guards. But that was to…

The remarkable story behind Edward Snowden leak

The Guardian gives a pretty comprehensive insight into the thinking of Snowden and his skepticism towards the corporate press. Read the whole thing: As he pulled a small black suitcase and carried a selection of laptop bags over his shoulders, no one would have paid much attention to Ed Snowden as he arrived at… Hong Kong… International…

Behind the wire of privatised immigration detention

The reality inside Australia’s countless, Serco run detention centres is far too often ignored by the media. There are notable exceptions, of course, and it’s a key theme in my upcoming book, Profits of Doom. One of the strongest examples of independent journalism tackling the issue is the public release this week of Detention Logs,…

Sri Lanka isn’t a holiday destination for writers. Discuss

How should an artist or writer act in a police state? How should a tourist? What’s the moral response? Here’s a great piece by Jacinda Woodhead in Overland which tackles the thorny questions in a thoughtful way. I was asked to comment: Listening to 3RRR’s… Aural text… on Wednesday, I heard alicia sometimes mention the four-week residency…

Why Edward Snowden is a hero for our times

Listen to his words on the ever-growing US surveillance state and why his whistle-blowing is so essential to accountable democracy; clear, concise, passionate, angry and truthful: There’s been countless vital stories on the role of Snowden, his talking to the Guardian’s Glenn Gleenwald and how so many in the corporate media fail to hold power…

Importance of independent journalism and staying this way

I’ve spent most of the last decade unaligned with a major news organisation, wanting to remain independent. I’ve published in countless publications around the world, indy and mainstream, but a key issue for me is the choice to speak my mind without corporate interference. It’s often financially challenging but my ongoing work, including upcoming… releases, proves…

Bradley Manning trial starts and the fix is in

This is a classic show trial by an embarrassed and vindictive US government that doesn’t like the world seeing how it rules the world with impunity. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange released a statement on 3 June: As I type these lines, on June 3, 2013, Private First Class Bradley Edward Manning is being tried in…

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