Wikileaks shows inept US trying to change Iran

Memo to Washington: your credibility over Iran would be massively higher if you told client state Israel to stop claiming Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the second coming of Hitler: WikiLeaks has worked its magic again, illuminating US efforts to promote change in Iran – and explaining recent goings-on at Durham University. Its proposals for exchanges with…

Wikileaks: Not all leaks are created equal

My following essay appears today in Online Opinion: The Obama administration is pursuing Wikileaks and its Australian founder Julian Assange for alleged criminal activity in releasing classified documents. The US Department of Justice has ordered Twitter to hand over private messages sent by parties close to Wikileaks and the whistle-blower website says that even the…

Wikileaks cables on Sri Lanka and its merry ways

Anybody who examines the situation in Sri Lanka can’t ignore the human rights abuses committed by the Tamil Tigers: India expressed its concern about the Human Rights situation in Sri Lanka and the way the LTTE used civilians as human shields in 2009, the latest WikiLeaks cable revealed. The cable said that during a meeting…

Of course Wikileaks matters, profoundly

While the New York Times releases a book about Wikileaks and editor Bill Keller feels the need to smear Julian Assange while saying how much he loves America, Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger is far more nuanced in his explanation of the relationship between corporate media and Wikileaks: The challenge from WikiLeaks for media in general…

Australian PM continues to smear Wikileaks

Our embarrassing clown in chief: Prime Minister Julia Gillard says she cannot – and will not – make Julian Assange’s legal problems go away. But like any Australian citizen, she says the WikiLeaks founder is welcome to return home once they do. Mr Assange, in London fighting an extradition order to Sweden where he awaits…

Wikileaks; is our government letting us down?

I’ll be appearing at the following event next week in Sydney presented by the Australian Institute of International Affairs: Hosted by: AIIA NSW The event will start on: Tuesday, 08 February 2011 6:00 PM And will end on: Tuesday, 08 February 2011 7:30 PM At The Glover Cottages, Sydney 124 Kent Street , Sydney NSW…

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