Don’t believe a word of Obama spin over Afghan war victory

Typically astute thoughts by the Afghanistan Analysts Network’s Kate Clark on the clusterfuck that the West is leaving in the country: Obama did indeed struggle to define victory in his state of the union address (read the text here). The US mission, he said, would achieve its mission by defeating ”˜the core al-Qaeda’ by the…

The normalisation of Israeli criminality

The latest developments in the case of Prisoner X continues to reverberate around the world (though as many Palestinians are rightly say, where’s the equal attention on the countless Palestinians held for years illegally in Israel’s administrative detention system?) Some of the latest on Prisoner X here, here and here. The New York Times: The…

Countless CIA prisoners still missing

The Obama administration may talk about resetting America’s behaviour after the extremism of the Bush years but there’s copious evidence to the contrary. Take this from Pro Publica: In one of President Barack Obama first acts in the White House, he ordered the closure of the CIA’s so-called “black-site” prisons, where terror suspects had been…

I don’t believe in apartheid but…

Great comments, via Mondoweiss: Reader JH sends along: Story of the Good White Southerner (circa 1950) I am a good White person. I believe in a separate but equal society. My red line is the separate part, because those agitating to allow Coloreds to eat in the same restaurant and ride in the same part…

How war language has infected Afghanistan

Moving story by Habib Zahori, a reporter for The New York Times’s Kabul bureau. During my visit to the country last year I constantly heard how the war consumed the lives of most Afghans, though I deeply respected the individuals who tried and not let it control their lives: It is a cliché anymore to…

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