Resisting America’s endless war should be key task of the Left

The general failure of the Left to oppose Barack Obama’s endless war policies, including the use of drones, shows how tribal and fickle much of the progressive side of politics really is. MSNBC’s Chris Hayes is a notable exception: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy So is The Nation’s…

Judith Butler on the importance and eloquence of BDS

Following a hysterical campaign by Zionists and wannabe censors against an event about BDS at Brooklyn University last week with Omar Barghouti and Judith Butler, it went off without a hitch but received heaps of coverage. Thanks Israel supporters. It’s worth reading Butler’s entire speech but here’s an extract: The Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement…

Setting the right priorities over Wikileaks support

As a long-time supporter of Wikileaks, since its inception in 2006, its importance is often overlooked by the personal issues surrounding its founder Julian Assange. It’s a complex legal and ethical battle and his fear of US arrest and imprisonment is real and justified. Trusting any authorities is unwise considering the record of governments and…

The necessary logic behind boycotting Israel

Phil Weiss on Mondoweiss articulates what many of us are feeling, as human beings and Jews: I am for boycott because I have many times observed conditions under military occupation in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and Gaza that reflect apartheid policies effected by Israel. I have seen ethnic cleansing, village demolitions, collective punishment,…

Obama’s drone policy so broad as to include every table tennis player in Michigan

I’m not exaggerating that much (via NBC): A confidential Justice Department memo concludes that the U.S. government can order the killing of American citizens if they are believed to be “senior operational leaders”… of al-Qaida or “an associated force” — even if there is no… intelligence… indicating they… are… engaged in an active plot to attack the U.S. The… 16-page memo,…

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