UK Independent urges action not words on Israeli settlements

The kind of editorial we can expect to see a lot more of in the coming months and years: Israel has not only “punished” the Palestinians for seeking and achieving an upgrade of UN status, it has also slapped the face of the UK and of Germany, both of whom withheld support for the Palestinians…

“The Israeli political class is a full-blown train wreck”

The New Yorker editor David Remnick attends a major Zionist event in America and shows, intentionally or not, that the American and Israeli political classes are insular fools who don’t care a hoot about Arabs (so what’s new, right?): Hillary Clinton is running for President. And the Israeli political class is a full-blown train wreck.…

How the internet can threaten our freedom as we know it

Julian Assange talks to Democracy Now!: Human civilization has merged with the internet. Every society has gone onto the internet, with communications between all of us as individuals but also communications between businesses, economic transfers, and even the internal communications and external communications of states. So there is no barrier anymore between the internet and…

How Australia proudly defends Zionist apartheid

Canberra-based academic and writer Rick Kuhn appears in a book I co-edited this year with Jeff Sparrow, called Left Turn (still on the publisher’s best-seller list, six months after its release). Today in the Canberra Times Kuhn has a powerful piece about Israeli apartheid and the Australian government’s bankrupt position: Has Labor’s position on Israel…

The American horror inflicted on Bradley Manning

If anybody doubts the brutality of the US “justice system” and the ways in which anybody deeply associated with Wikileaks is deemed an enemy of the state, the treatment of Bradley Manning is nothing less than torture. The reality of a tattered super-power. The Guardian reports: Shortly before… Bradley Manning… was arrested in Iraq under suspicion of…

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