“The time for bombing is over”

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: The Palestinian people want to be free of the occupation. Life is like that sometimes. But how to accomplish that? At first they tried doing nothing. For 20 years they were idle, and indeed nothing happened. They then tried rocks and knives, the first intifada. And still nothing happened, except for…

The democratic challenge faced by vulture capitalism: Naomi Klein shows why

The brilliant Naomi Klein (another recent talk of hers here) talking about capitalism, climate change, the challenge for democracy and vulture capitalism (all the subjects of my forthcoming book and film): See here for a fascinating new campaign, with Klein involved, called Do the Maths about holding energy polluters to account through boycotts, divestment and…

A Rabbi speaks out about Israeli crimes in Gaza

Always an inspiration, Rabbi Brant Rosen writes: Israel’s military assault on Gaza in 2008-09 represented an important turning point in my own relationship with Israel. I recall experiencing a new and previously unfamiliar feeling of anguish as Israel bombarded the people living in that tiny, besieged strip of land over and over, day after day…

2SER radio interview on Haiti and disaster capitalism

I was recently interviewed on Sydney’s 2SER radio program, The Third Degree: Haiti was hit with a devastating earthquake in January 2010, and reconstruction efforts have been painstakingly slow – hampered by other storms such as hurricane Isaac in August, and the recent hurricane Sandy, resulting in much loss of life and pushing the already…

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