Haiti is disaster capitalism ground zero

My following investigation appears in New Matilda: When Antony Loewenstein visited Haiti earlier this month he found a country still struggling to recover from 2010’s devastating earthquake – and foreign NGOs doing little to empower ordinary Haitians The earthquake shook Haiti’s National Palace to its core. The moment tremors hit on 12 January 2010, the…

As two-state “solution” dies a necessary death, one-state in Palestine gains serious traction

My following article appears in The Guardian today: The Palestinian finance minister recently warned that the two-state solution would be in crisis unless the Palestinian Authority (PA) immediately received more funds. “The two state solution is in jeopardy if the PA is not able to continue to function,” Nabeel Kassis… said. But Kassis was talking about…

“After Zionism” discussion in New York brings thoughts on Gaza, Obama, Jews, Arabs and other related issues

Last week’s New York event for After Zionism with Mondoweiss founder Phil Weiss and me brings this interesting post about the discussion on Mondoweiss: Last Tuesday Antony Loewenstein, the Australian… co-editor of the new collection, After Zionism, and I, one of the contributors, gave a talk at the Brecht Forum in NY. It’s below.…  Loewenstein, on…

In the Syrian civil war, America and jihadis are on the same side

Yet more spectacular reporting from Ghaith Abdul-Ahad (the man has form) from the Syrian city of Aleppo (via the Guardian): Soldiers! Soldiers!” The man hissed his warning as he hurried past, two bullets from a government sniper kicking up dust from the dirt road behind him. It was enough for Abu Omar al-Chechen. His ragtag…

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