Remembering Sabra and Chatila

Robert Fisk on a massacre that proves Western outrage over war crimes are highly selective: The memories remain, of course. The man who lost his family in an earlier massacre, only to watch the young men of Chatila lined up after the new killings and marched off to death. But – like the muck piled…

“After Zionism” reviewed in The Jordan Times

The following book review… by Sally Bland of After Zionism appears in The Jordan Times: Writing in the face of Israel’s ravenous colonisation that has negated the option of a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 14 esteemed writers, academicians and activists explore alternative solutions in this very timely and readable book. The authors are Palestinians,…

Just how many bases does America have in “liberated” Afghanistan?

That’s a question that seemingly nobody can answer. This is empire logic. Nick Turse investigates for TomDispatch: Afghanistan may turn out to be one of the great misbegotten “stimulus packages” of the modern era, a construction boom in the middle of nowhere with materials largely shipped in at enormous expense to no lasting purpose whatsoever.… …

Independent Australian Jewish Voices September newsletter

The following email has just been sent to our email list: Hi all, We would like to remind you of the upcoming speaking tour by the Israeli historian and social activist Professor Ilan Pappe, which IAJV has co-sponsored. He will be speaking in… Sydney… (at… the… Opera House’s Festival of Dangerous Ideas and elsewhere),… Wollongong… (where he will be a keynote…

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