The invaluable role played by whistleblowers

John Kiriakou is a former CIA intelligence officer who became a whistle-blower, revealing the agency’s use of torture post 9/11. He now hosts a TV program, The Whistleblowers, and recently interviewed me about my book, The Palestine Laboratory. It broadcast around the world. The Palestine Laboratory – How Israel Exports the technology of occupation around…

The humane Jewish view on Palestinian and Jewish suffering

The humane Jewish view on Palestinian and Jewish suffering

It’s long been a myth that there’s complete uniformity amongst the Jewish community towards Israel/Palestine. An increasing number of (particularly) young Jews are supporting Palestine. I was interviewed about this recently by the Australian outlet, AAP: But independent Jewish journalist and author Antony Loewenstein said it was untrue to suggest there was uniformity in the…

Uncovering Australia’s dirty role in arming Israel

Uncovering Australia’s dirty role in arming Israel

Australia is playing a huge, though largely obscured role, in arming Israel in its war against Gaza. A correspondent at Declassified Australia, Kellie Tranter, recently explained Australia’s key role in fitting out the F-35 fighter jet currently being used by Israel. I was interviewed about these issues for Al Jazeera English: Antony Loewenstein, an Australian…

Musings from the Educational Bookshop in East Jerusalem

Musings from the Educational Bookshop in East Jerusalem

Over the last 20 years, I’ve regularly visited the Educational Bookshop in East Jerusalem, the city’s finest bookstore. Its Palestinian owner, Mahmoud Muna, is a humane and witty man. It was therefore a treat to read his recent piece in the London Review of Books, mostly questioning the understanding and knowledge of Western journalists arriving…

Inserting surveillance into the heart of Twitter

Inserting surveillance into the heart of Twitter

Here’s a story that’s received too little attention recently (via MintPress News): The social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) is working with an Israeli tech firm to verify BlueTick subscribers, raising suspicions that personal data could fall into the hands of the Israeli government or private sector, both of whom have a long…

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