McClatchy teaches journalists how to be real journalists

McClatchy’s Washington Bureau just sent out this important directive. Mainstream media, listen and learn: To our staff and to our readers: As you are aware, reporters from The New York Times, Washington Post, Bloomberg and others are agreeing to give government sources the right to clear and alter quotes as a prerequisite to granting an…

The life and death of favourite US and Israeli thug-in-chief Omar Suleiman

This week saw the death of former Egyptian intelligence head and thug, Omar Suleiman. Closer to Mubarak during his time in power, he was courted by Israel and America while his record of enabling terror was ignored. Of course. Australian citizen and former Guantanamo Bay prisoner Mamdouh Habib alleges Suleiman personally attended sessions when he…

How many anti-Semitic attacks are Zionists ignoring?

Amira Hass in Haaretz: Here’s a statistic that you won’t see in research on anti-Semitism, no matter how meticulous the study is. In the first six months of the year, 154 anti-Semitic assaults have been recorded, 45 of them around one village alone. Some fear that last year’s record high of 411 attacks – significantly…

Advocating the one-state solution (for settlers and Zionist extremists)

A key argument of my recently released book After Zionism is to find ways to reach the one-state solution between Israel and Palestine. It’s the only truly just outcome. But others, namely the colonists in Palestine, have another idea. A one-state solution that permanently excludes Arabs. The Times of Israel reports: MK Tzipi Hotovely knew…

Sing along to the G4S theme song

Vulture capitalists get a theme song. Despite some still claiming privatisation is a wonderful thing for society, common sense and evidence proves that outsourcing massively reduces accountability. Not to worry, G4S has a theme song to get you fired up (via New Statesman): You love your job and the people too Making a difference is…

Wikileaks documents know more about Afghan war than US military

Almost funny. This is what a floundering empire looks like (via Wired): Insurgencies are amongst the hardest conflicts to predict. Insurgents can be loosely organized, split into factions, and strike from out of nowhere. But now researchers have demonstrated that with enough data, you might actually predict where insurgent violence will strike next. The results,…

Time is now to fight vulture capitalism

I’m currently working on a film and book about disaster capitalism. Britain is currently experiencing a text-book example of the phenomenon. Here’s Seumas Milne in the Guardian with a necessary call to arms: If nothing else, the spectacular failure of G4S, the world’s largest security firm, to get even close to meeting its Olympics contract…

Important background to the Marrickville BDS story

Following my post earlier today about the issue of BDS in Australia and the role of Australian politicians siding blindly with the Zionist state, an insider sent me the following information which provides essential understanding of the truth behind the story. If you think politicians who embrace Israel are principled, think again: Sadly, this is…

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