What’s some billions lost in Iraq between friends?

No heads will roll and nothing will be remembered. History is forgotten. Money was wasted and for what? Today’s Iraq is burning: After years of following the paper trail of $51 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars provided to rebuild a broken Iraq, the U.S. government can say with certainty that too much was wasted. But…

Why Zionist PR is failing (and will continue to do so)

Juan Cole has some useful tips that will be ignored by the Zionist establishment. For them, belligerence and accusing any critics of anti-Semitism is a way of life. All the while, Israel is committing a very public form of suicide: 1) Giving the finger to any ”˜peace process’ 2) Hypocrisy 3) Disregard for the rule…

Vulture capitalists fails and yet its masters will thrive

One (via the Guardian): The depth of the crisis over… G4S‘s… Olympic security… preparations became increasingly clear on Thursday as recruits revealed details of a “totally chaotic” selection process and… police… joined the… military… in bracing themselves to fill the void left by the private security contractor. Guards told how, with 14 days to go until the Olympics opening ceremony, they had…

Wikileaks wins important legal fight against Visa cowardice

Here’s a just released Wikileaks statement: In a case against Valitor, formerly VISA Iceland, Reykjavík District Court just ruled the company had violated contract laws by blocking credit card donations to Wikileaks. After WikiLeaks’ publications revealing U.S. war crimes and statecraft in 2010, U.S. financial institutions, including VISA, MasterCard, Bank of America, erected a banking…

Yet another company profits from Australia’s privatised detention system

Shameful (via Paige Taylor in The Australian): It will cost about $29 million over the next 20 months for independent observers to watch over young, unaccompanied asylum-seekers in Australia’s immigration detention camps. The figure is the nominal amount of a new contract between the Department of Immigration and Citizenship and the US-linked Maximus Solutions to…

Memo to Murdoch; Iraq was a disaster you led

Rupert’s tweet today: What was wrong with Iraq war? Sad dam Hussein evil major killer, etc. Execution another matter.. Afghan bad every way now. Perhaps if Murdoch actually read real news, he’d know that violence is escalating every day in Iraq.

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