Wikileaks releases the Syria Files

Yet more confirmation that Wikileaks remains an essential news organisation. Today they did this: Today, Thursday 5 July 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing the Syria Files – more than two million emails from Syrian political figures, ministries and associated companies, dating from August 2006 to March 2012. This extraordinary data set derives from 680 Syria-related entities…

Come join the (brainless) IDF cyber army

Seriously, Israel, this is how you want to defend your criminal behaviour (via Jerusalem Post)? … It could be the solution that millions of Jews and supporters of Israel worldwide are looking for: A chance to sign up for the Israeli army and help in the fight to defend the… Jewish… state – virtually. A new initiative launched…

Zionist illegality is another day at the office

At some point, liberal Zionists, like this editorial writer in Haaretz, will realise that simply hoping Israel behaves itself is futile. Outside pressure and action is essential. And boycott, divestment and sanctions: One might expect that in a law-abiding, principled country the authorities would deal forcefully and resolutely with the practice of building settlement outposts…

Watch the mining vultures start to circle Afghanistan

This was inevitable (via Reuters): Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N) is contemplating participation in an oil and gas tender of six blocks in northern Afghanistan, a company spokesman said on Monday. Access to the world’s oil reserves for companies like Exxon has gotten tougher in recent years as governments assert tighter control of their resources. Opportunity…

Who believes a word Israel says about Iran?

Seriously, who takes these clowns seriously? If the world listened to Israel, Tehran had a nuclear weapon years ago. The latest comical routine (via The Cable): Israeli Defense Minister… Ehud Barak… said June 30 that Iran will successfully develop a nuclear weapon in “several years” if the international community doesn’t stop it. “In my judgment … … if…

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