Prosecute Wikileaks and put reporting in jeopardy

Glenn Greenwald signals the fight: …It is impossible to invent theories to indict them without simultaneously criminalizing much of investigative journalism. … Bob… Woodward’s whole purpose in life at this point is to cajole, pressure and even manipulate government officials to disclose classified information to him for him to publish in his books, which he routinely…

Australia; no laws broken by Wikileaks

Oops Australia. Now how are you going to please your American masters? How about fully defending the rights of our citizen Julian Assange? The Australian Federal Police (AFP) say they have not found any breaches of Australian law by Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks organisation. Attorney-General Robert McClelland says that based on the information to date, the…

American figure defends Wikileaks

A major US politician not calling for a drone strike against Julian Assange? How very quaint (and welcome): The chairman of the House judiciary committee defended Wikileaks on Thursday, arguing that the controversial actions of the anti-secrecy outlet are protected under free speech. Speaking at a hearing to explore whether Wikileaks violated the Espionage Act…

So that’s why many resent Wikileaks

Glorious understatement by David Rieff: …The back-story of Wikileaks is not that American diplomacy is threatened or that Al Qaeda has been strengthened but that American diplomats have lost face, and American policy intellectuals have been confronted by an existential threat to their priestly monopoly on inside information. Oh, the pity of it!

The evolving Wikileaks website (and its attackers)

Watch Washington try and find something, anything, to get Julian Assange and how many Western states are keen to help them. We must resist: Federal prosecutors, seeking to build a case against the WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange for his role in a huge dissemination of classified government documents, are looking for evidence of any collusion…

The dirty footprints of Chalabi via Wikileaks

The role of Iraqi exile Ahmed Chalabi has fascinated me for years. The corporate press used him as a key source over Iraq’s alleged WMDs. Oops. Wikileaks delivers a little more: For Iraq-watchers, a tiny but enticing tidbit surfaced in a WikiLeaks cable from February 2004, 11 months after the U.S.-led invasion. It involved Ahmad…

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